Sunday 28 September 2014

Day 18- Let them eat cake

As the title of the blog suggests, there was cake and I didn't eat it! Instead, I enjoyed sniffing it and looking at it. Luckily for me it was carrot cake, which I like, but isn't a favourite. I also cooked sausages and mash and onion gravy for the Mister without flinching even though it looked yummy.

Aside from food, something I noticed is that my confidence is growing. I felt good today around other people. My friend showed me a photo of me and her, and I didn't recognise myself. Other people didn't recognise me either. I'd curled my hair in waves around my face and made a bit of an effort the night it was taken. I've got lovely dark brown long hair but rarely do anything with it and so it normally either looks a bit of a mess or really flat because I've straightened it. I'm definitely taking more time over my appearance at the moment and that feels good.

I've also been singing tonight. This has been inspired by X Factor and because I absolutely love to sing but have always been rubbish at it. The Mister used to sing on stage and was pretty good, he tells me, before he ruined his voice with smoking. Apparently I'm not as bad as I thought I was and he's going to help me learn some control to my voice. This is just for fun- I'm no Whitney Houston- but singing properly in front of anyone is not something I would normally do. I've really enjoyed it.

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